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283 Associations, NGOs and Takaful funds all over the UAE

October 27, 2022

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Community Development, until the end of the third quarter for the year 2022, the number of non-benefit public associations, NGO’s and Social Takaful Funds declared by the Ministry all over the UAE reached (283) including: (227) non-benefit public associations, (38) NGO’s and (18) social solidarity funds.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Community Development, until the end of the third quarter for the year 2022, the number of non-benefit public associations, NGO’s and Social Takaful Funds declared by the Ministry all over the UAE reached (283) including: (227) non-benefit public associations, (38) NGO’s and (18) social solidarity funds.

The Ministry of Community Development announced the declaration of (7) non-benefit public associations and institutions until the end of the third quarter of this year as follows: UAE Agriculture Pioneers Association, Ras Al Khaimah Holy Quran and Sciences Foundation, the Ras Al Khaimah Charitable Association, National Multiple Sclerosis Association, Robotics and Automation Association, Caravan Society and Abu Dhabi Agricultural Club.

According to the categories of non-benefit public associations, public and cultural services associations topped the list with (91) associations all over the UAE followed by (37) professional associations, (31) humanitarian associations, (31) folklore, (15) communities, (13) theaters, and (9) women's associations; in addition to other (38) NGOs and (18) social solidarity funds all over the UAE.

 As such, the Ministry revealed that (115) ordinary and extraordinary general assembly meetings of the non-benefit public associations and social solidarity funds were held until the third quarter of the year 2022, attended by representatives of the ministry and local authorities. The meetings discussed topics related to the work of the associations during the previous year including their financial and administrative reports, elections of the boards of directors through an electronic voting system, as well as their supervision and monitoring.